liminal body
A performance exploring the state of liminality and a variety of its representations, as a threshold, constant transition of the body, physical, mental and spiritual; to the research of the liminality of space and an aesthetic representation of that space which can represent a transition between two or multiple locations
and/or states. The performance is a play between noise and stillness, between absence and chaos, between void and thickness of matters
It dilates the emotional spectrum.
It creates an inconsistent heartbeat.
the performance was developed as part of the tanz.transformator platform in organisation of beatrix cultural centre and supporter by the swiss embassy in north macedonia and the swiss agency for development and cooperation.
creative team
choreography: ivana balabanova & performers
performers: dejan bitrovski, stefanie schaarschmidt, tereza lazarev, sara cvetkovska, ilina kostovska
costume design: maja gjureska & antonija guginska
light design: igor mitrevski
composition: alessandro olla
dramaturgy: lucilla trapazzo
rehearsal director: nadja lukanovska
Produced by Dance Bunker & supported by the Ministry of Culture in North Macedonia & National Gallery, Skopje.