- June 01, 2022
“The conversation chair” is an interdisciplinary piece that combines the languages of contemporary dance and theatre, thus bringing a strong and exciting experience for the audience. The piece itself shares the internal dialogue of four people, which affected by the pandemics gradually transformed their character and speak to the audience in a language that presents their internal struggle. Their monologues, written by Richard Nyeoczym, are not particularly connected, which is left as a task to the dancing choreography in the piece, but, the artists search within themselves to spit on the surface all unspoken thoughts.
Choreographer: BALLA
Performers: Natalija Teodosieva, Eldin Shiroki, BALLA & Teodora Ezovska
Text: Rychard Nyeoczym
Music: Alessandro Olla
Costume design: Natasha Babulova and BALLA
Lighting: Lucilla Trapazzo & Nadja Lukanovska
Scenography: BALLA
Videography: Tone Bandits
Poster: Petar Avramoski
Length: 30 minute